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Range Rental

Click this link to purchase a range rental:

Range Rental covers all available AFD ranges and plate racks.

Anyone that has completed a minimum of a AFD safety orientation or Handgun 1 can rent AFD ranges on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 am to 6 pm, Saturdays from 8 to noon.

For those who have not been to AFD, the 1-hour safety orientation can be scheduled at your convenience for $25.  

  • Rates:

$15 per hour for 1 person 

$ 20 per hour for 2 people

$ 30 per hour for 3 people

$40 per hour for 4 people

$50 per hour for 5 people 

$60 per hour for 6 people

$ 70 per hour for 7 people

$ 80 per hour for 8 or more people 

$ 25 Safety Orientation (Only needed if you have not attended a class at AFD)

Click this link to purchase a range rental: